
月樹現售咖啡豆 Coffee Beans for Sale

比瑞卡:蜂蜜杏仁 Johor Liberica: Honey Almond                       200g  RM 37


Liberica is a species of coffee that originated in Liberia, West Africa. Today, Liberica coffee trees are grown in Malaysia. Our beans are obtained from estates in Johor, Malaysia. Roasting level: full city roast. Honey and roasted almond flavour. Dark chocolate aftertaste and round body.


比瑞卡:菠 Johor Liberica: Jackfruit                                     200g  RM 47


This medium roasted Liberica is bright with jackfruit, lychee and blackberry characteristics. Hint of licorice and black tea aftertaste. Juicy body. Natural sun drying processed bean.


瓜地马拉 Guatemala                                                  250g  RM 53


Come from Finca El Morito in Guatemala. Roasting level: medium dark. Chocolate aroma. Butterscotch and citrus flavour.


耶加雪菲 Ethiopia Yirgacheffe                                  250g  RM 53


Come from Ehtiopia. Grade: G1. Processing: washed. Roasting level: medium. Low acidity and mellow. Caramelly, citrusy, floral.

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